Since we need something to spell out the rules, regs and other stuff around here:
You agree not to be an idiot and we will agree not to sell your email addy to spammers.
By registering with this web site, you agree to follow these rules:
1. Don’t be a idiot.
2. Don’t register under multiple names and/or multiple accounts.
3. Do submit and maintain a valid e-mail address, where we can contact you if necessary.
4. Don’t post spam, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, solicitations, or other stuff like that, whether or not money is involved.
5. Don’t post material that solicits, fosters, or promotes any activity that is illegal in the U.S.
6. Don’t post porn or direct links to porn or anything related to porn. Got it?
7. Don’t post any material that you know or should know is false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, racist, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or violative of U.S. law.
8. While you are free to express your views in a forceful manner, keep it civil. Hate speech, insults, and purposely inflammatory remarks (i.e., trolling) will not be tolerated. Don’t post threats or state or imply that any individual or group is deserving of harm. Hammer ideas, not people.
9. You are solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your messages.
10. Vandalism, tampering, or any other abuse of the site is grounds for immediate banning.
11. Do NOT post copyrighted material as it will be removed immediately. I am not going to try and school people on copyright law but if we feel something violates this section it will be removed.
12. Do not hotlink to anything on this site. People that do that are wieners.
In return, we promise:
1. We won’t request personal information other than your e-mail address. If you want to tell us all the sordid details of your life, sure, but we won’t require you to do so.
2. We won’t sell your name, address, email address, IP address, date of birth, dog’s name, hair color, physical description, grade point average or anything else to spammers, phishers, scammers, that stupid daily kos site, Oprah Winfrey, your ex, Geraldo Rivera, or the New York Times even if they are willing to pony up sacks of cash.
3. We will release information about you only in the following circumstances: (a) we have your consent; or (b) we believe in good faith that we are legally required to do so; or (c) there is an emergency involving personal danger; or (d) you have vandalized our site or otherwise behaved in a manner that warrants our contacting the authorities or your Internet service provider.
4. In most cases, we’ll give you at least one written warning prior to being disciplined or banned for violating the rules. It’s your responsibility to make yourself aware of any warnings and behave accordingly.
Almost done:
1. As a registered user, you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While we’ll use the best technology to keep it secure, we simply can’t be held responsible for hacking attempts that may lead to the data being compromised.
2. This system uses cookies to store information on your computer. These cookies don’t contain any personal information, but are used only to make your visit a fun filled experience. In addition our sponsors and advertisers like to drop a cookie on your hard drive which is completely out of our control. Keep in mind you can manage your cookies through your web browser preferences menu.
3. All messages express the views of the author of the message, but not necessarily the views of this site’s owners and agents.
4. Please remember that public messages here are visible to anyone with access to the Internet, and are retained in a database indefinitely. We suggest that you don’t post personal information that might come back to haunt you, such as your telephone number, address, or your desire to mate with Helen Thomas.
5. We reserve the right to delete any message and/or suspend any user for any or no reason whatsoever (but only when we really have to). We also reserve the right to ban a user immediately in extreme cases, including but not limited to threats against our users, the owners of, and/or agents.
6. Any changes to these rules will be listed here and become effective immediately.
7. The decisions of the site’s owners are final.
8. By registering at this site, you agree to abide by the rules above and to submit to their interpretation and enforcement by our staff. Refusal to abide by these rules is grounds for suspension or banning; we may also report you to your internet service provider and/or law enforcement and I ain’t muffin around with this one.
DISCLAIMER: All information provided within this website is provided for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The owners and employees of cannot and will not be responsible for any issues arising from the use of any information displayed on this website. While example scripts may be posted from time to time they are again, FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and the utilization thereof by any third party is strictly at their own risk.
Thanks and have fun.